Emmabuntüs, Linux distribution and reuse – Patrick and Yves

Logo de la distribution Emmabuntüs

Let’s embark together on the discovery of Emmabuntüs distribution!
Alongside Patrick and Yves, two of its maintainers and contributors, we explore the origins of the project, its commitment to the reuse of computer equipment, its relationship to the Jerry Do It Together project, as well as its recent initiatives to improve accessibility for visually impaired people.
They will also reveal to us how the collective behind Emmabuntüs works and share their goals for the future.

/e/OS a degoogled Android – Gaël Duval – e Foundation & MURENA

Create a free, free, privacy-friendly Android OS? This is the challenge launched by Gaël Duval!

In this interview, we discuss with him the creation of the project, the structuring between company and association, the business model as well as the relationship of /e/OS with its software ecosystem. We also talk about the relationship with phone manufacturers, especially Fairphone, and the creation of their own product line, but also about the different modalities of software and hardware support.