An introduction to the OpenStreetMap project – C.Quest

Logo OpenStreetMap

“The OpenStreetMap project is to build the most complete, exhaustive, and up-to-date global database of free geographic data.” Together with Christian Quest, one of the founders of the French OpenStreetMap community, we explore the history of OSM, its governance and its community.

Framasoft is 20 years old! Episode 2: De-google-ify Internet – Pouhiou, P.Y Gosset, C. Masutti

Logo Framasoft

First of all, we’re going to have to support a whole bunch of people in the free software communities, who had a very, very simple vision of “Microsoft is evil” and to say “ok but it’s just evil is good, or use free software or proprietary”. The question is also “what choice of society do we want to live in and what digital technology we make in this society and what digital technology produces this society”

NLnet Foundation: Funding Free Software in Europe – Lwenn Bussière

Fondation NLnet

Do you know how part of the European Free Software ecosystem is financed?

Discover the history and functioning of the NLnet Foundation, and the European Next Generation Internet NGI0 funds with Lwenn Bussière, Technology Assessor at NLnet!

Open Food Facts – episode 1 – Manon Corneille

Let’s discover Open Food Facts, the open source food database and open data.

With Manon Corneille, Head of Partnerships, we discuss the following topics:
– the genesis of the project
– the structure and legal form of OpenFoodFacts
– Relations with citizens, state agencies, researchers and consumer associations
– OpenFoodFacts and European manufacturers, the state and the European Member States
– Challenges ahead